Beranda / Kebijakan Pengembalian & Pengembalian Dana
OUR EXCHANGE POLICY 我們將不接受任何不符合要求的貨品進行退換貨。(如訂單寄出後,非即時於取件時間取件的情況下,不能再進行任何換貨,及所產生的所有費用將由客人承擔。) 所有售後服務請在店舖寄件後3天內提出。 所有退回的商品必須帶有所有標籤/吊牌及原始包裝。商品必需沒有損壞。 All returned merchandise must be with all tags and original packaging attached. All returned merchandise must not be damaged. We will not accept any items that are not in this condition. 退貨的運費需要由客人承擔。 Return shipping fees need to be covered by customers. 請確保所有退回的商品包裝正確。 例如所換的物品是鞋類,請必須確保所使用鞋盒無誤。 由於鞋盒也是產品的一部分,因此我們將不接受退回的鞋盒受損的鞋類。 Please ensure all returned items are well packaged. If returning footwear, please make sure the shoebox is packed with an outer layer. As the shoebox is a part of the product, we will not accept returned footwear with a damaged shoebox. 如果您所收到的商品不正確或有損壞,請在收到訂單之日起3天內與我們聯繫。 收到包裹後,請提供您的訂單號,不正確或有損壞的商品照片以及所有相關參考。 If the item you received is INCORRECT or DEFECTIVE, please contact us within 3 days from the date you received your order. Please include your order number, photographs of the item(s), and all related references upon receiving your package. 請注意,以下商品不能進行退換貨: 配件(襪子,飾物,電話套,扣針,吊飾,鎖匙扣) Accessories (Socks, Jewelry, Cases, Pins and Keychains) 內衣及泳衣 Underwear and Swimwear 打印商品(貼紙)和文具 Print Items (Stickers) and Stationery 家居用品(包括玩具和雨傘) Homeware (including Toys and Umbrellas) 全部減價貨品 All sale Items 如超過30工作天沒有貨 本店將會全數原路退回貨款給顧客 如有任何爭議,OOTDPORT 保留最終決定的權利。 Upon dispute, OOTDPORT reserves the rights for final decision.